Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Party Deck In Progress

I'm use to the dark, rich, earthy soil of Nebraska. As a kid I would dig under our deck hoping I'd get to China or find a buried treasure box or historical artifact that would be my ticket to get out of town. I gave up rather quickly and made mud pies with poison berries from the bushes instead.

This region is so rocky we have a pile of hundreds of field stone stacked high by the farmer who raised cattle on the land. Every time you dig you hit rock here but I hope to use the pile in a foundation, chimney or wall one day.
Ideas from my Pinterest Board Maciejewski Landscaping Inc.
The latest project on the farm is what Mountain Man calls the party deck. As if we party! This is an attempt to tie two outbuildings together and begin a wall/fence for the new goat area. I just nod my head as he recounts his vision and I try to give some input when requested. Unless something is on paper it's hard for me to imagine when he describes angles and levels of earth and placement of imaginary steps. The good news is the deck is shaping up to have multiple textures and mixed material. I got really excited when he talked about using big slabs of rock for stairs to break up the wood of the deck. The garden center choices didn't pan out but he was able to scour our own land for boulders and use those as steps instead. It's looking really good! I might even have some wine out there.
Party Patio in progress

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hair Loss or Found

Everywhere I look on TV it's long hair long hair. I don't think you can live in the state of California with out it. Yesterday I did the unthinkable to one hair stylist I know (Kaydra), I cut my long hair off. For the past 4 years I have grown it out and it did get nice & long but I got bored. I just couldn't take the same thing any more. Maybe I need a hobby but fun hair makes me happy. Photos of the shorter cuts made me excited. So I went with the words of another hair dresser, a French one, "Long hair does nothing for you, Darling." Robert (Roberrr) was the kind of man who had probably slept with most of his clientele until his mid 50's. Even then he oozed sexual energy and I trusted a French man to know what was sexy on me. The neck. The natural wave of mussed up locks. A woman who knows who she is and wears her hair as an accessory an art piece not a security blanket. I do think American woman are starting to all have the same hair. Is there a memo I missed that long extensions and striped highlights are sexy? Is it that our men are all attracted to the same person?

Sexy and strong short haired ladies Marylin Monroe, Rachel Maddow and Hallie Berry come to mind. So I'm going with my gut and joy (and impulse) on this one and I will have the freedom of quick- drying, short, sassy hair even if it only speaks French.
after (long day!)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Desert Modernism

Kaufman House by Richard Neutra  photo Arcaid/Alamy

Ramond Loewy House by Albert Frey  photo unknown
My head is spinning at these gorgeous photos of the Loewy Palm Spring House and the rest of Albert Frey's work. We are forever designing our home and looking for ideas. Seeing these homes is like looking at paradise. I love the simple materials used and how he ties the home into it's natural surroundings. What would he do with all of our field stone? I'm going to have to get a book on Desert Modernism architecture, it is so breathtaking. 
Frey House II by Albert Frey   photo Jackie Craven

Monday, April 15, 2013


An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching. Mahatma Gandhi 
My friend texted me the other day news about an x-friend. It was good news. Luckily, I was in the car and I was having difficulty completing my thoughts and a text while driving. The delay kept me from saying something snarky and sarcastic which were the first thoughts to come to mind. I didn't want that energy out there. I kind of broke down why I would say that. Do I think I'm better? Am I jealous or hurt? More deserving of good things? Do I wish them a life of mediocrity? No, I love my x-friend. When I feel like that I remind myself there is enough. So I texted back something positive and drama free.

The idea that there is enough health, wealth and happiness for everyone makes sense. There is not a finite quantity of good. Someone elses success does not prevent mine! The negative feelings are my responsibility and have nothing to do with the other person. That's my work.
Fear of lack is that root emotion for times when we have to compete to survive. I let it float in and then out of my thoughts.
Luckily I don't need that now. All I need is love.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Kid Haters Have A Heart

"My mother did this for me once" she will realize as she cleans feces off her baby's neck. From A Mother's Prayer by Tina Fey.

How having kids changes us has all been said before. If you have them you know. To those who don't have kids we would think our kids are annoying too but they are miracles to us because we are proud we haven't killed them yet by doing something wrong like poisoning, starving or strangling them. Miracles because we parents lived through another day where we didn't die from tripping over random Lego's left in the middle of the floor or tumble down the stairs while carrying kids, car seats and 23 related items up and down them all day. Getting through a single day is a victory for us in so many ways. Our little miracles! Can I get an AMEN!

Meaghan Curry Photography

So when you are cruising on your way home from a really awesome mini-cation with your besties and you stop at the store for some cigs only to hear a mom asking her child, "Do you need to poo?"  Remember, you were once that kid and someone was kind enough to toilet train you. Support your fellow parent and screaming kid. Their quality rearing is important. That child could be your doctor or an SNL writer someday.

Eyes Like It

 Last week I went Pinterest crazy. I was on a mission to find as many images I could for group boards; Poolside/Beachside, Orange Crush, Mellow Yellow and a few of my others.
eggs and waffles

Upon this scurry of activity I found the cutest images from graphic artist Erin Jang.  

They make me happy and tickle my fancy. So simple and fun. Here is an interview with her. I like typefaces too but I've never openly talked about it;

Truly Smitten:
What are your favorite typefaces at the moment?
Memoriam, Futura, Gotham Rounded, Clarendon

One of the great things about Pinterest is you wander around finding image after image and sometimes something really pops out and inspires you.